Plastic Surgeon in Miami, FL

Welcome To
Wilton Triggs Plastic Surgery

Your Plastic Surgeon in Miami, FL
We are proud to give our patients the body they have always wanted. 

We use the latest advances in plastic surgery. This allows our patients to get the body that they have always wanted, as easily as possible.

We offer many different treatments to give our patients what they want. We offer surgical and non-surgical options. After a thorough examination, we would be happy to discuss your options so that we can decide what will be best for you! We will use this time to talk about the different procedures that we offer along with information about your recovery. Feel free to ask any questions that you may have. We want to alleviate any of your concerns.

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Meet Dr. Wilton Triggs

Dr. Wilton Triggs is a past Chief Resident at the University of South Florida’s Department of Plastic Surgery. He is the University of South Florida’s Department of Plastic Surgery first black chief resident of Plastic Surgery. He obtained his medical degree from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, TN, graduating with Honors. He graduated from the University of Alabama at Birmingham with a degree in Chemistry with a concentration in biochemistry with minors in Mathematics and Biology, graduating with University Honors.

He describes himself as a product of humble beginnings of rural north Alabama. He never had any formal exposure to medicine outside of television until sophomore year of college. He was fixated on how and why people felt ill and wanted to know what was going on inside the body on a micro and macroscopic level. He had multiple interests in medical school, however, Plastic surgery was a natural fit for him.

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